A Level Religious Studies - Does Anicca lead to negativity? Essay Plan

Does the Buddhist view of 'anicca' lead to a negative outlook on life?

Anicca is the Buddhist word for 'impermanence'. This is part of the three marks of existence which are three traits all living things have in common: anicca, dukkha (suffering) and anatta (no soul). What this means is that everything is subject to change and that all conditioned objects are temporary. This concept is crucial to a Buddhist lifestyle and can have a heavy influence on whether a follower of the religion reaches enlightenment. “Subject to decay are all compounded things” were the Buddha's final words and this includes sadness and happiness; it could be argued that the concept of anicca could lead to a pessimistic view of life, however, this essay will argue that it does not.

Impermanent pleasures are just that: impermanent.
Anicca also makes us realise that illness and sadness are also impermanent which can lead to a more positive view on life.
Knowing that everything is changing and impermanent can lead to hatred and greed. These things will keep a person in samsara and could therefore induce a negative mindset.
Recognising the three universal truths is part of wisdom (prajna). In order to reach enlightenment, we must understand these ideas. You may suffer now but you will be rewarded with nirvana. (Buddha's life)
Critics suggest that Buddhism creates an attitude of hopelessness towards life which encourages the religion's follower to subject themselves to emotional pain.
Buddhists would argue that it is not a pessimistic view of life, but a realistic one. It makes people see things how they really are.

Because nothing is permanent, it means that anything can be achieved and therefore enlightenment is possible.

In Buddhism, everything that exists is made up of smaller parts (dharmas) which always change. This means that even our minds and bodies are changing and decay is a fundamental part of all objects. Thich Naht Hahn, a Buddhist monk says that “we have to nourish our insight into impermanence everyday. If we do, we will live more deeply, suffer less and enjoy life much more”. This suggests that the concept of anicca ultimately leads to a state of deeper understanding and enjoyment. Having knowledge of impermanence allows Buddhists to understand prajna which can lead to enlightenment, the religion's goal. Nirvana is the only thing known to not be conditional, so it can be worked towards, encouraging Buddhists to recognise the concept in a more meaningful way.
  Anicca neither leads to an optimistic or pessimistic way of living, but a realistic one, and this is what most Buddhists will argue too. 


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